£2.75 GBP
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All Citadel paints are non-toxic, water-based acrylic that are designed for use on plastic, metal,...
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Sold Out £3.50 GBP
STRIKING FROM THEIR JUNGLE LAIR… The lizard tribes rarely venture forth from their steaming jungle...
£3.25 GBP
Contains 5 plastic multipose British Infantry designed for the Second Afghan War, Sudan and the...
3 items left
Each pot contains 18ml of non-toxic acrylic paint with pre-loaded mixing balls.
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£15.00 GBP
“Your time is over and you're gonna die bloody, and all you can do is...
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£11.00 GBP
The Plastic Frame Cutter is sharp, thin and precise. With this specialized tool you can...
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£4.75 GBP
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£3.50 GBP
VIVE LA FRANCE! 1940. France is occupied by the Germans and the Vichy government does...
£8.00 GBP
Heavy pigment, old paint or a combination thereof: the Mixing Balls will make your paints...
£5.15 GBP
This is a very popular brush and as its bigger brother, this spectacular drybrush has...
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£5.25 GBP
The innovative range of Weathering Effects offers the modeler a new medium for depicting the...
£4.50 GBP
The bristles of this Hobby Drybrush is flat topped and coarse, perfect for the drybrushing...
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£6.25 GBP
The Monster Brush has the right size for any larger models such as Dragons, Trolls,...
The original Kneadatite (best known as Green Stuff) is used by model makers and hobbyists...
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£3.40 GBP
Contains 1x Dark Age Warriors sprue (5 models) The Dark Age Warriors may be used...
£2.25 GBP
Perry Miniatures Plastic American Civil War Confederate Infantry single sprue (5 miniatures)
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Sold Out £2.90 GBP
WHITE CAP - Acrylic Warpaints Range Utilizing loads of heavy pigment for excellent coverage, these...
£3.95 GBP
4 x 28mm 1/56th scale Hard Plastic Multipose Miniatures The Gauls often fought naked wearing...
Sold Out £4.50 GBP
6 x 28mm 1/56th scale Hard Plastic Gallic Warriors The Gauls were big, muscular and strong...
£5.95 GBP
FN 120 Plastic French Napoleonic Heavy Cavalry (Cuirassiers/Carabiniers) sprue Contains 4 mounted figures.
£5.80 GBP
This is a GHOST ARCHIPELAGO Frostgrave Tribals single sprue Plastic Multi part figures 28mm The...
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